Monday, September 27, 2004

I should mention...

He got me back.
Mike did.

My parents had some visitors in from Holland who were staying in a borrowed RV in our driveway. It was the first time for most of them to visit the U.S.A. and they had been driving around the local state park system, marveling at the vast stretches of uninhabited land (this for some reason is ALWAYS what the Dutch comment most about - how strange it is that we have land nobody lives on).

One morning they came in to breakfast a little shaken, looking at me askance and whispering between each other timidly. Finally the mother approached me and put a comforting hand on my back. She leaned in, as if sharing a painful secret, and said, "Your car is... plastic." I was driving a 1981 Chevy Sprint at the time, and thought that maybe she was trying to tell me something about the manufacturing. I went outside anyways, just to see what was up, and beheld a many-layered vaguely car-shaped bubble of Saran Wrap where my car used to be. The Dutch visitors were greatly relieved when I started laughing and began to try and figure out how to free my car from its cocoon. We ended up cutting it with garden shears, like a cast.

I found out that Mike and AM (oh yes, she played both sides) had snuck in under the cover of darkness and used up two whole Cosco-sized (roughly 1 foot in diameter, 3 feet wide) rolls of Saran Wrap on my car. It was to the point where you couldn't even tell what color the car used to be. Mike was a little bitter since he used his sweatshirt to cover our motion-detector lamp and it had burned a hole in the fabric. I had a hard time feeling a lot of sympathy for the guy.

So then Mike and I decided to turn the tide of revenge towards AM (his reason was the sweatshirt, I had no reason to speak of) and we Saran-Wrapped every individual item in her boyfriend's bedroom. It took some time, I spent about three hours on his desk alone and made each pencil and random desk implement into a huge plastic lump. His stapler was beach-ball sized when I was through with it.

(We didn't really have too much by way of entertainment in my home town, in case you were wondering.
Plenty of Saran Wrap, though.)


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