Friday, April 22, 2005

A Whole New World

Things that have confused/frightened the Rooster thus far:

* Microwave (he got over that when he realized food comes from there)
* My hair dryer (granted, it's a loud one)
* Fat Boy Slim (this one was hilarious - I was playing a mix and "Funk Soul Brother" came on and Rooster stopped in his tracks, SPRINTED (as much as the big guy can sprint) to the speakers, sat down, looked up, and cocked his head to the left and right while whining slightly until the song ended. Then he came up to me with the most quizzical look on his face like he expected me to explain it. All other music he's okay with.
* The assembly of my barbeque. He barked at me when I started putting it together, and no amount of stern tones or banishment inside made him stop. If he continues to react that way to the sight of me with tools, we might have a problem.
* The toilet. He can't figure that one out.
* My cell phone, which is actually kind of handy since he hears it ring better than I do and the whining lets me know I have a call.
* Wet dog food (he was scared to death when I opened the can and put that unfamiliar goo in his bowl. He got over it once he dared to sniff it and give a lick. Monkey was going crazy at this - wet food is her culinary nirvana and I could practically hear her screaming when he threatened to turn up his nose.)
* Daschunds
* Flip flops


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