Tuesday, November 23, 2004


No fancy jobby-job for me. Which is probably good since it was located about 20 minutes away in Tukwila, and I am physically unable to pronounce Tukwila in a way that would be businesslike. They didn't end up hiring anybody, making this my 3rd job application in a row where I've done incredibly well (I was their top choice for this last one) but they've been bitten in the ass by the economy and have had to change their mind about hiring anyone.

I *heart* the economy.

Sent off 4 more resumes today, so now the search begins anew. I'm also at this temp position until December 10th, so all is not at a total loss (I'll be able to pay rent for December and hopefully find something early in January). Anybody want to hire me? I'm cute, I draw good, and I know all the lyrics to "Thoroughly Modern Millie"!


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