Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Slight tug upward on the unemployment yo-yo

I have another interview coming up! Dec. 3rd, with a local company that I've freelanced for in the past. It's as a designer/draftsperson, which is perfect. This company is great, very creative and a fun place to work. Jobs I've done for them in the past include:

* Built/painted a full scale replica of the bridge of the Death Star from Star Wars for some rich guy's "theater room". It had fiber optic stars in the windows and a fiberglass replica of Han Solo trapped in whatevertheheckhewasfrozeninto.

* Painted 3-story-tall funky metal flowers for a mall in Arizona.

* Painted a 6-foot-tall replica of Crash the Bandicoot

* Sculpted three 7-foot-tall drumming teddy bears for some national chain store's Christmas display

* Sanded and helped assemble fully detailed pit droid replicas from Episode 1 that held t-shirt racks

* Helped design and build lighting effects to be contained in 6-foot-tall hatching dinosaur eggs (each dinosaur had a different special power and different lighting effect, it was hard! Try getting fairy dust to erupt from a huge fiberglass egg, I dare you)(without using actual fairies, you cheaters)

* Assembled enormous chandeliers made of tinted balls of resin also for a national retail chain's holiday decoration

* Painted hundreds of side panels for the Staples Center in L.A., for which my name is apparently on a plaque somewhere.

Needless to say, I'm a little excited. I'm going to buff and polish my portfolio a bit and make sure that I have a bunch of stuff to leave with them (who doesn't like stuff? Maybe I'll bake them cookies).

In other news, I realized today that I know too much about cows and should probably hold back a little when discussing them with colleagues in the city. My story of feeding the cows apples and bringing back my hand covered in an inch of slime is NOT appropriate urban lunch conversation. Also, the fact that I can remember multiple breeds of cow and their functions and major characteristics is scary, particularly when I mess up my correct phone number about 1 out of every 5 times I try and tell it to people. And it's my only number. And I've had it for three years now.

By the way, this is a Pinzgauer.


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