Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Rejected photos for my New Year's card

I know New Year's cards are a little lame, but there is absolutely no way I could get organized enough for Christmas cards with all the work deadlines and family thinking-aheading that was necessary to make last weekend functional. And even with all that planning, I still managed to converse far too freely with my cousin and mess up my job title at least twice. Exhibit museum designer. No more talky.

These are from last night, when I was brainstorming for a way to not look too pathetic (a.k.a. antlers on the dogs) or generic (random card with nothing but signature) while avoiding completely the concept of the "Christmas letter". Granted, they are informative, but they are also completely useless in my circle of computer-savvy friends whose knowledge of my life if already a bit too extensive. My Christmas letter would be:

I moved (they know this, as many of them helped me do it or at least been to the new place)
I got three new jobs (which I sent out e-notifications for, including website info)
I got a new dog (also announced, and they somewhat assisted with name choice)


My car broke (no one cares, plus it's kind of fixed now so moot point)
I started scuba diving (again, hard to say anyone will care in anything other than a "hey, how the hell can she afford that?" way) (which is a good point, until they see my 3rd-hand pink-accented gear from the early '80s and realize that I am diving in the most ghetto fabulous fashion possible)
One time I hurt my foot jumping on a trampoline (woo!)

So. I tried to stage a photo-shoot with two dogs that do not like cameras. I got all of two pictures of them sitting by me - one had Rooster in my lap and Monkey looking off into infinity, and the second was just Rooster's butt as he was walking away and Monkey licking my cheek. I tried me-and-the-Monk, which resulted in many photos of Monkey hiding her head under my arm while I try and look chipper (SOMEBODY's gotta look chipper). Then she went off and grabbed her rawhide bone and wouldn't look me in the eye anymore. Rooster fared slightly better. He layed down and tried to ignore the flash at first, but I got him sitting beside me for a brief moment and snapped about twenty pictures of him doing this (he would sit perfectly until right before the picture was taken, the punk...)

Then we all lost the holiday spirit and now I'm trying to photoshop something that will inspire cheer rather than a sense of "what on earth was she thinking".

(And yes, that second photo is totally me channeling Bernadette Peters in The Jerk, except Roo really is no Steve Martin unless cheek-licking is your only avenue of comparison)