Random convo
rb: Ja, do you have a webcam?
Ja B: no, I'm not 14
rb: beeyotch
Ja B: also not a hooker
rb: webcams are the new camera phones
Ja B: for underage hookers
rb: beeyotch
Ja B: sassy today, aren't we?
rb: so are you saying you dont have a webcam?
rb: at all>?
rb: ?
Ja B: not at all
Ja B: or will, ever
rb: whatever.....you dont own an imac yet
Ja B: I like to do the no-webcam strip tease
Ja B: "I'm taking off my pants..."
Ja B: "and you can't see me!"
rb: you are are taking the pants of?
Ja B: my work has an open office plan
Ja B: so, yes
rb: atta girl, princesss present tense
Ja B: I prefer the subjunctive
rb: whatever, miss past perfect tense
Ja B: yes on the past perfect
rb: seriously...you cant wait until i visit can you?
Ja B: it's certainly going to be interesting
Ja B: can you bring a dolphin?
rb: no, dolphins are only
Ja B: damn
rb: well then come down
Ja B: how about a camel?
rb: no camels here...sorry...want a goat?
Ja B: can you dress it up like a camel?
rb: no
rb: do you not appreciate the differnce between camels and goats?
Ja B: no, can't say I do
rb: racist
Ja B: speciesist
Ja B: I just spit on myself
rb: dont lay your hangups on me!!!
Ja B: I just lub the camels iz all
Ja B: sometimes I even wear their toes
rb: hump hore
rb: your job sucks ass
Ja B: hey, I get to play with spaceships today
Ja B: not 100% suck
rb: i am helping humans live free
rb: can you beat that?
Ja B: spaceships! woo!
Ja B: screw free
Ja B: I got funny-looking helmets
Ja B: and space ice cream
rb: deserve freedom
rb: afghans
Ja B: you forgot the "you don't" part
rb: shut up
Ja B: you need space ice cream
rb: i mean that the afghans deserve freedom'
rb: they do
rb: and thats why i am here
rb: band aid chick
Ja B: how did you know that's what I was wearing?
Ja B: creeeeepy
rb: i have informants
Ja B: stalkers?
rb: they see you ripping openthe pacakages of band aids
Ja B: are they spongebob squarepants or batman?
Ja B: this is a test
rb: they cant read
rb: quit hating
Ja B: oh come on
Ja B: sponge vs. bat and they're confused?
Ja B: your stalkers SUCK
rb: they are muslims....
rb: cut them some slack
Ja B: I want some jihad bandaids
rb: sweetie...;i'
rb: i'll get you some
Ja B: that's the sweetest thing
Ja B: can the "JIHAD" be in big comic-book lettering?
rb: only because you are hot
Ja B: awww
Ja B: and a bee yotch
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