Tuesday, January 03, 2006

2006, off with a bang...

My friends and I decided to pretend that we are grown ups and celebrate the new year at Dimitriou's Jazz Alley, a local swank club/restaurant known for low lights and pricey tickets. We got dressed up, ascended to our perch (the top of the balcony seating, up two steps and a foot-rail from the main balcony floor). I loved it, the music was was beautiful and the company was grand.

We missed the countdown (the vocalist was in the middle of a good song and decided to skip that part) but Auld Lang Syne'd with the best of them and decided to run outside to catch some of the fireworks at the Space Needle since you could see it from right outside the club. I went to hop off the seat, flush with the excitement of the new year, and immediately plummeted down the two steps and foot-rail distance to land in a heap on the floor, fancy high heel twisted up behind my feet and camera (which was in hand) flung across the balcony. I laughed and immediately hopped up to fix my shoe while everyone around frantically asked if I was hurt. This is one good side benefit from being clumsy for years - I can pratfall with the best of them! Despite the 2-3 foot drop, all I got was a rugburn on my knee and a slight bruise on my shoulder. Though come to think of it I was wearing a skirt, so I may have flashed a few people. Whoops. I straightened my shoe and we ran downstairs to catch the fireworks while I tried to find my new year's tiara (hey, we were celebrating in style). I found it, but it was so crushed that I ended up decorating a SUV outside instead of putting it back on my now-wild hair.

The rest of the night was a similar mix of good music, good friends, and wincing every time I crossed my legs the wrong way. I figure it is fitting that I start the new year on my ass, given that I was already tempting fate by thinking I was all cultured and such. Anyways...

Happy new year from my knee!


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