Thursday, March 09, 2006

Voor the love

I have officially turned against my people, my history, my heritage.

The Dutch word for "hard hat" is "veiligheidshelmen".

I have tried multiple times to write it legibly approximately 1" high with a Sharpie pen on clean white paper (I would tell you why, but it's honestly more fun for me not to). Sharpie ink pools if you pause even a moment (say, to verify that it is "heidshelmen" instead of "hiedshelmen") and my hand shakes when faced with the fury inspired when forced to write large and with lots of vowels.

I love the Dutch, they make great cheese and rock my architectural world and are a constant source of amazement for how freakishly tall they can get (except some of the women, dangit), but I am entirely unsuprised that their language is slowly falling into disuse.

"Nut" also equals "scroefmoeren". Honestly. I don't know how I came from these people.


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