Wednesday, November 08, 2006


That's the word for the week.

Last weekend I took the Motorcycle Endorsement course (having never ridden anything other than a bicycle and a horse) (not simultaneously, and not in any sort of way that would have helped prepare for the class) (YOU try shifting a horse sometime, see how far you get) and while I got 100% on the written, I missed the riding exam by 5 points due to my apparent inability to counterbalance and do extremely tight turns while fussing with the clutch and accelerator and brake smoothly. I did the u-turns, I just put my foot down and went outside the line (one or the other and I would have passed, but I did both. Stinkin' overachiever). But I got to learn how to ride a motorcycle, and figured out that I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! And I get to retake the test in a few weeks, and one of my classmates pulled me aside after the course and said that she loved to watch me ride (even if I screwed up some things) because she could see the joy and said that the bike and I looked so natural together. I think she was hitting on me.

And then I went to the dentist yesterday for the first time since 2002 (no insurance when you quit your job and head back to school, and no time in recent months until now). They poked, prodded, X-rayed, scraped, shot me with a mini stream of water, made me bleed, and then told me good job and that I didn't have any cavities. I think that's the first time I have EVER heard that! They also told me that I should get root scaling and scraping done just to help things (how is numbing me and attacking me with power tools helping? I'm not really clear on that part) but it's not anything that is urgent and I can put that off as long as needed.

And then the worst (best?) is that I found out on Monday that I'm getting laid off in 2 weeks. Yes, again. Work has been slow all spring/summer, and now 3 of the 8 people in my office are being let go. I didn't really see it coming, since recently they've been contracting me out as a drafter to another production company and I thought that would ensure my layoff survival. Oh well, the sweet part is that even though I love the design part and really enjoy the work, my office environment is anything but friendly and I've been unhappy with bosses and coworkers for months now. There are a couple coworkers that I will miss, but I can keep in touch with them easily.

Now I get to find a new job, and hope that I can find something as creative and fun (or failing that, at least something that is somewhat mentally stimulating). Wish me luck.


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