Saturday, January 29, 2005

Klepto Mania

I'm starting to feel a twinge of guilt. Just a twinge.

Why? Because M and I went out to get cupcakes and coffee on Wednesday (mmm... cupcakes)(if you aren't familiar with Cupcake Royale in Ballard, whose slogan is "Legalize Frostitution!", go there and eat everything in the store. now.) and on the walk back to my car, we passed a Tully's Coffee with a cardboard sign leaning against the front of the store that said "Why lie? I need caffine" (original spelling, natch). I decided that since nobody else was using it, I needed it. Then by my car we saw ANOTHER piece of cardboard that had a longer missive on it, something about being hungry and a vet and homeless and honestly it was a gigantic run-on mercy plea of the type that I never really believe anyways. So M took it and we added it to the stash. Upon stealing, we noticed that on the back of the sign was a long list of numbers, adding up to quite a healthy amount (almost $100!), so it apparently served double-duty as a calculator.

Now I'm feeling a little bad, since I can't seem to shake the notion that it might be kind of a bad thing to steal things from the homeless. Even if the things are their beggin' signs (maybe especially then? Depends on your politics).

So, to those two homeless people who are now missing their best pieces of cardboard - I'm sorry. I'm almost at the verge of buying some more cardboard, making them new signs (now, with correct spelling! Believable scenarios! Maybe little doodles in the corner for that artsy appeal!) and leaving them in Ballard for them to find. Except that I know that most homeless people are migratory, like a bird (a smelly, smelly, mumbling bird), and that the two that I deprived of their advertising are probably in a different neighborhood now. So I either get to comb the city, looking for a homeless vet with no sign and a "caffine" addict with no sign (won't that be easy?) or make enough signs to cover all the neighborhoods of Seattle with proper homeless-guy advertisement.

See all the trouble I get myself into for just wanting some stinkin' cupcakes!
But they ARE good, though.


At 1:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, the variables of the blog worls make this anonymous. J, you are the most sensative person I know. Congrats, esp, since you seem to be able to combine your sensativity toward the homeless with your capacity for alcohol consumption, which I have also enjoyed just previous to posting this. So I'm a bit drunk. Let's talk soon, K? I've hired a third pair of hands for the Cornish project, and e-mailed Meike with a decent completion offer/settlement. I hate having so many bosses and an entire life in antoher state. And being a flake.

Love, Jake


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