Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Holidays and smooching

Christmas this year brought me:

1 freezing night in my parents' RV
3 brand new books (2 of which I have already read - I read fast, particularly with good books)
2 family-filled days of laughing and strained muscles
10+ games of Twister with the nieces and nephew (see above)
5 cups of coffee on Saturday alone to maintain the energy needed to deal with relatives
2 belly laughs at the family dinner when various relatives high-fived and "wooo"'d for 1) liking dark chocolate instead of milk and 2) having had jaundice as a child
1 new TV that I totally wasn't expecting but desperately needed
1 repeated realization that I love my strange family and feel very lucky to be associated with them

Now I'm aiming for what will hopefully be my first non-sucky New Year's Eve! Last year I was ninja kissed by a friend who was on a date with another girl (she was too smashed to notice, but I was pissed). The year before I was in India and spent the evening dodging the fireworks Bernie kept trying to light and hold in his hands. He'd flinch from the sparks and all of a sudden we had a bottle rocket aimed at our heads. The few years before that I spent bringing various groups of people to the Space Needle and weaving through the crowds to get a good view of the fireworks. Always cold, always anticlimatic, never a kiss. This holiday has too much pressure associated with it! The beginning of a new year, to be determined by its initial few minutes. I don't believe it, though this crazy year has been worthy of its questionable beginning. So for next year, how to start? I still have no plans for the fateful day, and am seriously considering staying home, curled up with the Monkey and avoiding the crush and the pressure of looming lips. Or go out with friends and ignore the calendar date while just having a general good time. Right, and that works on Valentine's Day too...


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