Thursday, February 03, 2005

In all fairness, when I loaded up my CD travel case to bring to work, I wasn't really paying attention to what was left in there from the last road trip. So when my coworker loaded up the CD player with, in his words, "whatever CDs don't have the band names on 'em", I should have been prepared for the nonsensical mix of tunes that hit us for the next two hours. I'd have to say the peak was when the soundtrack to "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" came on and I got to explain to everyone why "I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me" made me giggle so much.

But this soundtrack also brought about a different kind of trouble, one that is directly related to the sexual orientations of the coworker crew (straight and narrow, even though it's the arts). The guy who put on the CD seemed okay with it after the initial confusion, and bounced away in his chair and whistled with some of the peppier disco songs (he's an odd duck). But the new guy, the guy who before today I've been nursing a secret junior-high level crush on mainly because he's so obviously the cool guy in school (he has very sassy jewelry and a kind of "I know I'm attractive" air), blew it all. I asked him once the mix was done if he wanted to hear anything in particular, and he said "Oh, anything, you know... but that fairy disco was starting to get on my nerves".


I thought he was joking, and laughed (which he only halfway returned). Now I'm really hoping he was joking, and that I don't have to give up my crush and replace it with horror that the phrase "fairy disco" would be something he would say in real life. Unless of course some mythical fairies strung up a mirrored ball, put on fairy-sized bellbottoms and pumped the ABBA, then of course things would be different.

Why is it that the cute ones are often the stupid/ignint ones?
Now I'm going to have to develop a crush on the delivery guy or something.


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