Monday, February 21, 2005


The move went off without a hitch, which is amazing considering the amount of PURE CRAP I've managed to collect over my 8 or so years of living in Seattle. My dad brought his big truck up from down south, and two of my friends brought their trucks as well so we had a regular caravan going back and forth. It only took three trips with the three trucks, plus one more with my dad's and three carloads for me. I'm trying not to pay attention to how much that adds up to, since it's rather sad that it's all for one person (granted, one person with a ton of musical instruments, paintings, sculptures, and plants) (there was an entire truck load of plants). Now it's all piled in the center of the rooms in no particular order, since I
(a) Had no idea what was in the boxes (I labeled the first two and then gave up)
(b) Had no voice to tell people where to put the boxes (my yearly cold came on Thursday and is still kicking my butt, though of course yes I am at work today)

I'm waiting for the landlord to put the trim around the base of each room, which is something he said he'd have done on Saturday. It's kind of interesting having these islands of junk in each room, except that I haven't been able to unpack unless the box happened to be on the edge of the pile and am now trying to live without most of my wardrobe and, well, STUFF.

I have found all of these crucially important items:
1. My soccer ball
2. The plaster hand-prints Jake and I made back at the Rep (signed)
3. My hammock
4. The ceramic pig salt-and-pepper shakers my friend gave me years ago
5. The box of 500 forks I bought for my 10-year reunion and never used

I have NOT found any of these relatively optional (well, they are now) items:
1. My socks (why oh why does it have to be winter?!)
2. Any sort of hair tie-backs
3. Any pants other than the two I have been alternating between
4. My silverware (not counting the 500 forks)

I have decided that, to deal with the stress of moving and not being able to unpack while dealing with a head cold, my drugs of choice are the Day/NyQuil sequence along with WIRED x3000 MAXIMUM TAURINE energy drink (!!!!!) (it felt like it needed that). I don't really know what Taurine is, but I've been drinking the same big can all day and I still can't take more than a couple sips before my heart starts racing. That's a good sign, right? That means it's working? I have to go, I can't feel my left arm.


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