Friday, February 11, 2005

Rescinded Immunity and its Unfortunate Consequences

I've been driving for a little over 13 years now, and up until yesterday thoroughly enjoyed a bubble of invisibility when it came to being noticed by Mr. Law Enforcement Officer. I'd been pulled over twice, once only a quasi-pullover since the cop was heading the other direction and just made me stop with our windows even with each other (gotta love those Chehalis back road vigilantes). He told me that I'd run the stop sign, to which I said "sorry", and then we drove on. The other time I was stopped for going 90 in a 70 and managed to get only a verbal warning (see - total bubble!).

Yesterday morning I was in my typical pre-noon haze and heading towards the freeway. The light onto Rainier was yellow (kind of a reddish-yellow, you know the back half of the light's time frame where it seems to fade into an orange before going absolutely, irretrievably red) and I zoomed through my free right through the first half of the red light. The cop that I had not noticed directly behind me turned on his lights at that point, which I also did not notice because I was too busy accelerating to approximately 15 miles over the posted speed limit. I guess this made him mad, because he then flipped on the full siren and scared the ever-lovin' bejeebus out of me. I pulled over and tried my best to explain to him why I hadn't seen him 10 blocks earlier, and why in fact I had NOT been trying to resist arrest by speeding away from him when he had his lights on.

Either the bags under my eyes or my absolute helplessness when I came to finding my insurance card convinced him that I wasn't pulling his leg, and the nice man only gave me $650 in ticket fines. That's $100 for the red light, and the rest for the lack of proof of insurance, which I found out today was e-mailed to me instead of mailed and is in my computer inbox and not in my car. I can get that one revoked, but the red light slap has officially brought me into the realm of the ticketed. I feel like I have a big stamp on me now, that my car is day-glo. I haven't sped more than 5 mph over the limit since then (though check back in a week and see if I'm not back to whizzing around like my house is on fire).

My brain is gone today, I've been giggling at very inappropriate times (like a couple minutes ago, when my coworker told me to "Roll the rev", which means advance the revision number, and I of course pictured a Reverend in a barrel coming down a hillside).

hee hee hee. It's still funny. heeeee.


At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yargh- sorry to hear it. I'm driving around with expired out of state tabs, but I'll still help you move on Monday!


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