Monday, February 07, 2005

What I learned this weekend

Listen up, boys and girls!

You may already know this, but I learned a very interesting tidbit over the weekend. Apparently, when clubs and bars are very jam-packed and only have two unisex bathrooms for their entire clientele (which is very stupid - you hear me, Cha Cha?), the men-folks will often go into the bathroom in pairs so that one man can pee in the sink while the other man pees in the toilet. I have yet to see this with women, mostly because of the unpleasant mechanics involved when women attempt to pee in the sink.

But here's what I really learned.

Two men = toilet and sink.
THREE men = toilet and sink and ???? (any guesses, children?).

I was completely mystified as to the logistics until I got in there and looked around a bit. I looked around the floor and walls just to be safe, and finally solved the mystery when I looked into the paper-towel-filled wastepaper basket, which had a very wet sunken spot in the middle.

That is SO not right. In a way it's resourceful, but very unpleasant for whoever gets to empty out the trash in the morning. I feel endless amounts of sympathy for the Cha Cha cleaning crew, and gratitude for the trip to India where I learned how to pee without sitting down.


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