Thursday, January 05, 2006


I pulled into my gym's parking garage last night singing/screaming along to the radio full bore (and, it must be admitted, head-banging a little):

"I... WAS... MADE... fuh-LOVIN' YOU BAAAABY, YOU... WAS... MADE... fuh-LOVIN' MEEEEE..."

I parked, turned off the engine and radio, grabbed my relevant cards and passes and hand-towel, and felt unmistakeably like someone was watching me. I looked up to see a middle-aged Asian man in the next car staring at me with his mouth open and his door ajar. I admit my radio was very loud, and my sunroof was open slightly which didn't help muffle the acoustics (my fan decided to not work, so my only defrost is to open a window and hope that the air moves around to do something) (it's cooooold in there, hence the energetic singing and head-banging - it's for warmth, you see...), and my vocal projection is quite impressive when I put my mind to it. And it was to it.

I looked away with no expression on my face and got out of my car, walking calmly to the elevator with the little man close-but-not-too-close behind. We were forced into the same elevator by poor timing on his part (you can't ignore the dinging when one arrives) and and outright gawked at me from the opposite end. I studied the buttons and kept the same straight face until we got to the main level (I did hum slightly - hey, it's a catchy tune!) (and it made him jumpy, which I found amusing), where we both headed to the info desk and got scanned in. I didn't see him again until the end of my workout, when I was trapped on a cardio thing and he walked by sideways, staring bug-eyed to see if I was going to burst into song again and almost tripping over the nearby equipment.

Sorta got the feeling that if I'd approached him with any sort of greeting (musical or non), he would have wet himself there and then. People are funny.


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