Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Brain powering down in 3... 2... 1... (zzz)

How odd is it that I've been told three seperate times by three very different entities that I think far too much and need to turn my brain off? Is this a common problem? Is the world full of over-thinkers whose tiny brains are glowing red, straining at the upper end of the thinkometer gauge and steaming slightly while the whistling noise grows slightly louder?

New mantra: I dunno.

The first time was when we were decorating a women's shelter and I was trying to organize the group into teams that would tackle different areas. There was a ton of decorations and lights and I was contemplating dividing them up in an orderly manner, but with 20ish volunteers and more boxes of goodies coming in waves, organization was unlikely. Finally the non-thinking advice sunk in, and we all just grabbed whatever was nearby and went to work. A few hours later, the place looked wonderful and materials were used in ways that I wouldn't have imagined (uh, in a good way).

The second was at conga lessons. I finally have the handwork down and no issues with the basic rhythms, but I kept dropping out when I listened to hard to the other parts and was trying to figure out the interrelated patterns (I polyrhythms). Mr. funky teacher man told me to stop thinking and just play it, and when I did all of a sudden my hands started acting independently and it all came together and my brain went straight to the happy place.

Then I had my retest for the motorcycle endorsement. I only missed the mark by 5 points last time (out of 100), so I was determined to pass the thing and continue my goal of world vehicular domination (next up: camels). The test is comprised of 4 different sections: A double U-turn in a 20 x 60-foot box, a quick swerve to avoid an obstacle, an emergency stop withing a certain distance, and a double turn that is mostly gauged for speed and control. The U-turns were/are my nemesis, mostly because to accomplish them within the given space you need to swing your butt far off the seat in the opposite direction and lean JUST SO as you're cranking the handlebars. And I have no butt. Last time I not only went far out of the box, but I also put my foot down for balance. Not good. This time I gave myself options: Either foot OR box (ended up being the box, which meant I had better balance but still no butt). Last time I also let my failure on the U-turn test psych me out for the others - except the swerve, which I always rock - and I rode far too slow to get full points. This time the instructor yelled at me "STOP THINKING!" and I finally took his advice (and the drum instructor's advice, and my friend's advice...).

What I found is that in order to completely slow/stop my brain's frantic meanderings, I need to distract it with something that is simple, shiny, and makes it do the brain equivalent of skipping along a sunlit path in a meadow full of flowers. As I sat on my motorcycle, warming my gloved hands on the idling engine (freeeeeezing, but at least not raining or snowing), I started singing quietly to myself "I'm pick-ing out a ther-moooos, for YOOOOU... Not an or-di-naaary therMOS, for YOOOOOU..."

And then I passed, with points to spare.


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