Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Ways in which I am a total guy:
* Like to burp

* Get excited about building things

* Love motorcycles and going fast

* Know a lot about woodworking

* Get excited to go outdoors, and particularly on long backpacking trips where I know there will be no showers but definitely blisters

* Don't like wearing jewelry

* Have a hairstyle that requires minimal fussing in the mornings

* Love Jack Daniels

* Have worn clothes to work that were stuck together with double-sided tape

* Can lift heavy things

* Can start a campfire with one match

* Don't freak out in stressful/critical situations

* Like shooting guns at targets (non-living)

* Love drafting and figuring out construction techniques

* Favorite pants are of the "sweat" variety (okay, they're yoga pants but since they're basically sweatpants without leg elastic I like to call 'em as I see 'em)

* Cry about once a year

* Have a seperate storage closet just for camping and outdoors gear, and yet it still has exploded all through my house.

Ways in which I am a total girl:
* Feel a little off if toes are exposed without featuring toenail polish

* Tend to clap and squeal when really excited

* Have no interest in spectator sports

* Own 10+ pairs of high heels (all have different purposes, I swear)

* Don't like beer

* Have a million pet names for my dogs (most recently = Montigue and Roomba)

* Can tell minute differences between colors and get upset/disturbed when combinations are bad

* Love dancing

* Wear lipstick or lipgloss often (hey, it's winter and lips are dry)

* Haven't bought winter boots because none I've found have been cute enough yet

* Recently did a Goodwill scan through my closets and came up with five grocery bags' worth of clothing

* Am using two closets for my clothes

* Can sing much of ABBA's repertoire (multiple parts)

* Have been recruited by drag queens because of my mad make-uppin' skills. Can apply foundation even over stubble.

* Actually think he's going to call when he says he's going to call

* Actually think he's going to back off/respect my boundaries/not grope me when he says he's going to back off/respect my boundaries/not grope me

* Love to go for walks in the park just to see how the foliage has been changing. Wait - that might be guys too... while I'm walking in the park watching the trees I often also have the urge to sing "Super Trooper" and complete the idyllic landscape.


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